Resin Quick Start

Installing Resin

Download Resin from and extract it to any directory.

Starting Resin

Start up Resin with:

$ bin/resin start
Resin/5.0.0 start with watchdog at
Resin/5.0.0 launching watchdog at
  starting *:8080 (cluster-8080)

The default work directory is /tmp/resin, which can be changed with the -d option. The default http port is 8080, which can be changed with the -p option or in a config file. The default port for the watchdog server is 6600.

Resin is now running, but it doesn’t any web-apps deployed to it yet. To deploy the example hello service distributed with Resin:

$ bin/resin deploy examples/hello.war
  deployed hello.war to bfs:///system/webapp/deploy/cluster/host/hello/hello.war


You can combine the start and deploy commands together:

$ bin/resin start --deploy examples/hello.war

The web-app is now accessible from HTTP. You can call the servlet using curl or a browser:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello/hello-servlet
<h1>hello, world</h1>

To shutdown Resin, issue the shutdown command:

$ bin/resin shutdown

Simple Web-Application

Create a JSP file named source/hello.jsp:

/hello.jsp: <%= "hello, " + "world" %>

Then create a .war file (web-application archive) with the jar command:

$ jar -cf hello.war -C source hello.jsp

Then deploy the war as the “root” web-app, the web-app without an extra URL prefix:

$ resin start
 Resin/5.0.0 start with watchdog at
 Resin/5.0.0 launching watchdog at
   starting *:8080 (cluster-8080)

$ resin deploy --name ROOT hello.war
deployed hello.war to bfs:///system/webapp/deploy/cluster/host/ROOT/ROOT.war

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello.jsp
/hello.jsp: hello, world